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Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to ALL!!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Exciting progress at the Bristol laboratory: Your involvement in the NURTuRE project and your enormous help fundraising has helped to secure further much larger grants by the research team to accelerate research for all types of Nephrotic Syndrome is now seeing amazing and exciting results!!! I’m so excited for you all our loved ones! Here’s the two opening paragraphs of Professor Moin’s most recent newsletter of his teams progress below: -
“We continue to make ground breaking advances, with the inspiring help of NeST and all of its supporters. The major projects NURTuRE and MRC Precision Medicine (formerly Stratified Medicine) have completed their initial funding periods, and we are now reaping the benefits of the underpinning infrastructure and new data that these have created”.

“Alongside this, we have drug discovery projects in the Bristol laboratory that are addressing both genetic and immune forms of nephrotic syndrome, to ultimately deliver the new medicines needed to cure these conditions”.
Thankyou SO much to everyone from ALL of us at NeST and Research team who has worked very hard and kindly fundraised and/or made very generous one off and monthly donations this past year to help support the ongoing costs of NeST and supported the Research team at Bristol!! Collectively you have raised the AMAZING sum of £60,000!!! Wow!! We are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support!! Without your help we would'n't exist!!
Thankyou SO much to all for giving your time and support to others who visit this page its always very touching to read your heartfelt messages of support!!!


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